Storage Cabinets, Sewing Machines, Filing Cabinets, Tables, Podium, Desks, Art Storage, Misc. Tools, and SO MUCH MORE!
Former Mooreland High School Building, Hwy 412, Mooreland, OK
Storage Cabinets, Sewing Machines, Filing Cabinets, Tables, Podium, Desks, Art Storage, Misc. Tools, and SO MUCH MORE!
Former Mooreland High School Building, Hwy 412, Mooreland, OK
*SOLD* Selling Buildings & Lots in 5 Tracts!
Smith & Co. Auction Facility, 10762 U.S. Hwy 412, Mooreland, OK
*SOLD $455,000.00* 320 acres of Southwest Woodward County land with excellent hunting, good fences, access, and a home/hunting lodge!
Over 400+ lots in this Auction! Guns, Tractors/Backhoe, Implements/Attachments, Trailers, Vehicles, Mobile Home/Storage Building, RV & Travel Trailers, Light Towers, Hay Equip., Livestock Equip., and Misc!
10762 US Highway 412, Mooreland, OK
Household misc., welder, tools, misc. shop equipment & MUCH MORE!
10762 US Highway 412, Mooreland, Oklahoma
*SOLD $86,000.00* A 4 bedroom, 2 bath home on 2.59 acres with garage/shop building, steel corrals and a large steel machinery shed with a lean to and loafing pens!
1162 Highway 60, Chester, Oklahoma
*SOLD $50,000.00* Excellent Opportunity to purchase 8.1 acres of Highway 15, east of Shattuck! Excellent business property or homesite. There is an existing 3,000 sq. ft. home that could be renovated.
9737 State Highway 15, Shattuck, Oklahoma 73858
*SOLD $40,900.00* 269+/- Acres of Mineral Rights sold in 11 Tracts!
Woodward County Event Center, 1st & Temple Houston Dr. Woodward, Ok
Shop Tools, Supplies, & Equipment; Plumbing Tools & Supplies; Tubing, Pipes & Pipe Fittings; Ladders, Tool Boxes, and much more!
900 1/2 S. Charles St., Shattuck, OK
Come out and support a great cause! A meal will be provided!
2134 Lincoln, Waynoka, OK 73860