Ruttman Online Only Auction

On-Line Only


12/09/2024 12:00 am


12/20/2024 12:00 pm View Sale Bill
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For more information call or text Ira Smith at 580-334-6001 or email


A 100± acre undivided interest in Section 17 T20N R19W, Woodward County, OK.


This Online Auction will begin to conclude Friday, December 20th beginning at 12 p.m. CST.

There will be a 2 minute soft close on each lot. A soft close prevents individuals from entering a bid at the very last second before an auction closes with the intent to prevent others from bidding higher. This means that if a bidder enters a bid within two minutes of the lot’s initial closing time, a two-minute extension will be added on. The lot will not close until bidding is static for two minutes.

TIE BIDS: In the event there is a tie ‘Max Bid’, the item will be awarded to who placed the bid first.

Please note, there is NOT a Buyer’s Premium Fee on any real estate purchases made. 0% is added to the hammer price.

Buyer will be required to place 10% of the purchase price in escrow on sale day, with balance due upon proof of marketable title. On-line Buyer’s will be required to wire-transfer 10% of the purchase price to place in escrow on sale day.


Dennis Ruttman POA for Merrill June Ruttman